Friday, May 05, 2006

The difference. MPs and Ministers

Some ppl think we are voting for 'leaders' of Singapore. Yes voting for ppl to go into parliament is indeed voting for leaders, but not fully true.
Whatever you have studied in primary school, sec school and even university doesn't apply for Singapore's context.

Why do I say that?
Cos PAP has already 37 seats out of 84 seats. 6 more PAP buggers and they form majority of parliament. Are you going to tell me that PAP cannot get that 6 seats? I will be damn glad if they don't but thats as good as saying Singapore getting to the World Cup finals against England.

So what are Singaporeans voting for atually?
You are voting for someone to represent your ward for the next 5 years. Someone who you know will best represent you in parliament, only. Represent how you will feel for the policies and regulations that will be set by those in the ministries.

Whereas the leaders and ministers will be chosen by LHL and probably his father as his is a mentor, not you.

Infact they have already chosen. Those 4 PAP persons have already been introduced already in the papers right!

So it doesn't necessarily depend on your choice.

Even having 10 Oppostion in parliament will not mean that those 10 opposition will be in government office. They will only represent you as an MP in parliament. Helping you to either agree to or disapprove of issues raised in parliament.

Infact in our long and glorious history, since when has an opposition MP leader been in 'leadership' position or govt office? Like i said earlier, our opposition cant even get into Ministry of Sound.

So now you know the difference. So now you can make a more informed choice right?


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