Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Swamp Things in Punggol Farm

I never thought that we could play soccer on a swamp. but last week we did.

When i was younger and eager to impress my soccer coach back in school days, i actually did play soccer on a waterlogged pitch.

Queenstown Sec was the location, sometime in the mid-90s. i got acquainted with the taste of mud that day.

Anyway back to present day. My team, Schwarz Star, is involved in an island wide soccer league.

As everyone would have noticed, Singapore hasn't exactly been a sunny island for the past 2 months. Any migrating ant would have left our sunny shores for the relative safety of Timbaktu by now, but not our soccer players.

Its a farce. Its about time our-people-in-some-sort-of-authority did something for people who are not in authority but who can do a better job than those in authority.

Get those astropitch in faster than UPS can synchronise their commerce will ya!
